
National Geographic

Squishy, brainless, beautiful—jellyfish are all of these things and more!

Witness the Volcanoes of Hawai'i (Full Episode) | America's National Parks

National Geographic

Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park—home to unique wildlife and the most active volcanoes on earth. Witness the natural wonders of this sacred land.

The South Tower (Full Episode) | 9/11 One Day in America

National Geographic

9/11: One Day in America won the News and Documentary Emmy Award for Outstanding Historical Documentary at the 43rd News and Documentary Emmy Awards in 2022.

Learn why the hammer-shaped head of this shark is so useful for hunting #SharkAwarenessDay

Get a true bird's-eye view of Scotland's seaside cliffs

This gentle robot captures delicate sea creatures and collects data without harming them

The Nile crocodile is one of the largest reptiles in Africa and a fierce predator—but it has a weakness